‘The power of the mind is immense, and it has been neglected. Sometimes you want to look within to find the answer to your problem.’ – Pierre Grimes
I was drawn to philosophy during my undergraduate studies, and it made me realize that the subject could be applied to all aspects of our lives and the way we perceive them. Moreover, I found it so interesting that I wanted other people to have access to it because we all have a certain way of looking at ourselves and the world around us, we all have a philosophy of life.
Having done my Hons. in Philosophy from Miranda House and master’s and research in Philosophy of Mind from Panjab University, Chandigarh; I got my license to practice from American Philosophical Practitioners Association.
It’s time to try something new.
People often seek counselling services when they are facing problems or uncertainty. I believe that it doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. One can seek counselling services with an aim of ‘self-awareness’ and when one is looking for a different perspective regarding their situation.
Philosophical counselling is the first step in your journey to ‘know yourself’. This type of counselling session helps you learn how to ‘think’ and ‘introspect’. The counselling sessions are just like having a dialogue to become aware of “hidden biases”, “unspoken assumptions”, and “false beliefs about oneself” that sometimes one operates by but is unaware of.
The first session we have is an opportunity for me to know who you are and what your aim is from the counselling session. Additionally, it involves determining how comfortable you feel around your counsellor in expressing yourself and for you to gain clarity about how the session works.
This type of counselling aims not simply to resolve your problem. The aim is to help you become more aware and educate you on effective ways of thinking so that if a problem arises again, you have better tools for dealing with it on your own.
I specialize in helping people gain ‘clarity’ about themselves and ‘knowing themselves’ in the manner unknown. You may approach to gain a deeper understanding of “who you are” or a deeper understanding of ‘your situation’.
It is suitable for anyone who wants to discover themselves. Answers to your problems are within you, I am here to help you with my questions for you to discover those answers.
‘Happiness is not achieved by constant pursuit of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other activities’. – Aldous Huxley.
‘The outer world is what we wake up to every morning of our lives, is the place where, willy-nilly, we must try to make our living. In the inner world there is neither work nor monotony.
You may have found yourself unable to remember the last time that you had a dream. Studies, however, have shown that dreaming starts to occur 90 minutes after we’ve fallen asleep.
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