
Gaurika Madan

Questions You May Have

What is philosophical counselling?

Philosophical counselling is the first step in your journey to ‘know yourself’. This type of counselling session helps you learn how to ‘think’ and ‘introspect’. The counselling sessions are just like having a dialogue to become aware of “hidden biases”, “unspoken assumptions”, and “false beliefs about oneself” that sometimes one operates by but is unaware of.

What can I expect in the first session?

The first session we have is an opportunity for me to know who you are and what your aim is from the counselling session. Additionally, it involves determining how comfortable you feel around your counsellor in expressing yourself and for you to gain clarity about how the session works.

What can I expect from Philosophical Counselling in the long run?

This type of counselling aims not simply to resolve your problem. The aim is to help you become more aware and educate you on effective ways of thinking so that if a problem arises again, you have better tools for dealing with it on your own.

Should I see a Philosophical Counsellor only if I am experiencing some sort of problem?

I specialize in helping people gain ‘clarity’ about themselves and ‘knowing themselves’ in the manner unknown. You may approach to gain a deeper understanding of “who you are” or a deeper understanding of ‘your situation’.

Am I suitable for this type of counselling?

It is suitable for anyone who wants to discover themselves. Answers to your problems are within you, I am here to help you with my questions for you to discover those answers.


  • I help people explore ‘questions springing out of curiosity about life’. And, help them with their interest in understanding the ever changing world around them.
  • I specialise in helping people work through ‘existential problems’
  • I aid them to develop better communication in their relationships for a fulfilling experience.
  • I help people come to an understanding of their ‘belief systems’ which may no longer work for them.
  • I support people on their journey to understand and examine their thoughts, emotions and values.

What is dream study? How is it different from other types of dream analysis available?

Dreams are a way to understand ourselves better and know ‘who we are as a person.’ This way of looking at dreams helps in self-awareness and problem-solving.

Here, It does not involve any interpretation or looking at symbols and common themes. My approach involves the counsellor and the counselee working together to explore the meaning behind it.

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How does the session engagement work?

I offer both offline and online (virtual zoom) sessions. In person sessions are offered in Chandigarh.

For online sessions, a zoom link is provided an hour before the session begins.

In case of international time zones, we request you to get in touch via whatapp or email for scheduling time.

How the session engagement works?

Offline and online (virtual zoom)

A zoom link is provided an hour before the session begins.

Confidentiality: will things I discuss in therapy be kept private?

Client confidentiality is of utmost importance in this field. I follow the American Philosophical Practitioners code of ethics, which contains privacy rules and standards under which an individual’s record and personal information about counselling sessions are protected. I am also bound by The Mental Health Care Act 2017, which safeguards the rights of the patients in Section 23 (1), declaring that, ‘A person with mental illness shall have the right to confidentiality in respect of his mental health, mental healthcare, treatment and physical healthcare.

How many sessions will I require and what is the process of counselling session?

Generally, we start with a first session and depending upon the client I recommend the number of sessions required.

How to book a session?

book a session at least a day before (Book Now)