
Gaurika Madan

Meaning behind Dreams

Meaning behind Dreams

Posted on June 10, 2022 / Edited by llika M.

‘The outer world is what we wake up to every morning of our lives, is the place where, willy-nilly, we must try to make our living. In the inner world there is neither work nor monotony, We visit the inner world only in dreams’ — Aldous Huxley

  • Do you often recall your dreams?
  • Do you wonder if your dreams could have any meaning behind them?
  • Do you feel they are related to your waking life experience?

Some dreams slip away from memory the moment we wake up, while others remain like a clear unforgettable story owing to their vividness. All of us dream, but the meaning of our dream is unique and personally important to us as dreamers.

Dreams can be casual or fun or might force you to wake up in the middle of the night. Each dream has an embedded meaning and relevance.

At the face of it, you may simply dismiss a dream thinking ‘what meaning could come out of a Dream which itself didn’t make any sense’. But sometimes, you may feel curious of what your dream could mean. Wouldn’t you want to know the purpose that these dreams could carry in your life? After all, if there is one thing that each person from various cultures and races can agree upon is, “we all have dreams.”

Dreams can be a gateway to perceive and know ourselves better. Understanding dreams shows again and again that we are only ‘partly aware’ about ourselves. Things revealed in our dreams include insights regarding ‘how we think’, ‘how we feel’, ‘the patterns of one’s problems’ and ‘belief systems that we operate by’. One can gain insight into their dream world by connecting the underlying themes and visuals with their most recent waking-life experiences.

Dreams are unique in nature, expressive of who we are exactly and that’s curious because it means they must come from some source within that knows us so well. Dreams serve a purpose; they direct our attention towards things that are personally important to us and have yet been ignored by us.

To quote Pierre Grimes, ‘Dreams are a “gift” from our mind to us’.